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How to Put on a Wetsuit

If you’re a water sports enthusiast, knowing how to correctly put on a wetsuit is a must. Wetsuits are essential gear that can make all the difference in your water adventure, offering protection, warmth, and flexibility. In this article, we’re going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to put on a wetsuit. So, are you ready to dive in?

Understanding Wetsuits

First things first, what exactly is a wetsuit? A wetsuit is a special garment, usually made of neoprene, designed to insulate the body in water activities. It works by trapping a thin layer of water between your body and the suit, which your body heat then warms up, thus creating an insulating layer against the cooler water outside.

There are different types of wetsuits, each designed for specific water activities and conditions. For instance, full suits cover the whole body and are ideal for cold water, while spring suits, which cover the torso and sometimes the upper legs or arms, are perfect for warmer water. Who knew there was so much behind this essential piece of gear, right?

Selecting Your Wetsuit

Choosing the right wetsuit is vital. Factors such as the material, thickness, and style should all be taken into consideration.

Most wetsuits are made from neoprene, a type of synthetic rubber that offers excellent insulation and flexibility. The thickness of the wetsuit, often measured in millimeters, influences the amount of insulation. A thicker wetsuit means more insulation, which is great for colder waters, but can limit mobility. On the other hand, a thinner wetsuit offers better flexibility but less insulation – perfect for warmer climates.

The style of the wetsuit also matters. As mentioned earlier, full suits are designed for colder water, while spring suits or shorties are suitable for warmer conditions. There are also wetsuits specifically designed for certain activities, such as surfing, diving, or triathlon. So, it’s important to choose a wetsuit that best fits your needs. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

Preparing to Wear Your Wetsuit

Before you even start to pull on your wetsuit, there are a few steps you need to take. It’s not as simple as just slipping it on and heading into the water. There’s a certain ritual to it, which if followed, can make your experience a lot smoother and more enjoyable.

Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Pre-Wearing Inspection

First things first, you need to inspect your wetsuit. Why, you ask? Well, it’s important to ensure your wetsuit is in good condition before you put it on. A wetsuit with rips or tears won’t offer the protection and insulation you need when you’re out in the water.

So, take a few moments to check your wetsuit for any visible damage. Look for signs of wear and tear, especially around the seams and zips. If you spot any issues, it might be time to consider getting your wetsuit repaired or replaced. You don’t want to compromise on your safety, right?

Proper Hydration and Nutrition

Next, let’s talk about hydration and nutrition. You might be wondering, what does that have to do with wearing a wetsuit? Quite a lot, actually!

Staying hydrated and well-nourished is crucial before you don your wetsuit. When you’re out in the water, your body will be working hard, and you’ll need to be well fuelled to keep up your energy levels. So, make sure you’ve had a good meal and you’re properly hydrated before you get into your wetsuit.

Steps To Wear Your Wetsuit

Now we’re ready to get into the nitty-gritty – the actual process of putting on your wetsuit. It can be a bit of a struggle, especially if you’re new to it, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Follow these steps, and you’ll be in your wetsuit in no time:

  1. Open the wetsuit: Start by completely opening your wetsuit. Unzip it all the way and turn it inside out, leaving just the lower legs the right way round.
  2. One leg at a time: Slip one foot into the leg of the wetsuit, and then the other. Pull the wetsuit up to your knees.
  3. Adjust the fit: Adjust the fit around your knees and thighs. Make sure it’s snug but not too tight.
  4. Up to your waist: Pull the wetsuit up to your waist. Again, adjust the fit as required.
  5. Arms in: Now, it’s time for your arms. Slide one arm in, then the other. Make sure the wetsuit fits well around your shoulders.
  6. Zip up: Now, all that’s left is to zip up the wetsuit. If your wetsuit has a back zip, you might need a buddy to help you with this step. If it’s a chest zip wetsuit, you should be able to do it yourself.
  7. Final adjustments: Once you’re zipped in, make any final adjustments. Ensure the wetsuit fits well everywhere, there’s no bunching or excess material anywhere, and you can move freely.

Tips for A Comfortable Fit

So you’ve selected your perfect wetsuit, but how do you ensure it fits comfortably? The answer lies in some simple yet effective tips. First and foremost, the wetsuit should fit snugly, not too tight or too loose. A loose wetsuit will allow water to enter and cool your body, defeating its purpose. On the other hand, a too-tight wetsuit may restrict your movement and make you feel uncomfortable. It’s all about finding the right balance!

When trying on a wetsuit, make sure to move around and check for any discomfort. You should be able to stretch and reach without any restriction. Remember, you’ll be active in the water, so you need to ensure full mobility.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Wearing a Wetsuit

Now, let’s talk about some common mistakes people make when wearing a wetsuit, and how you can avoid them. Sound good?

One common mistake is not drying the wetsuit properly before putting it on. A wet wetsuit can be difficult to put on and adjust. So, always ensure your wetsuit is dry before you put it on. Another mistake is putting on a wetsuit without any lubrication. Using a wetsuit lubricant can make it easier to slip into your wetsuit and prevent chafing.

Lastly, many people often forget to check for damages before wearing their wetsuit. Always inspect your wetsuit for any rips or tears, as they can allow water to seep in and decrease the wetsuit’s effectiveness.

Maintaining Your Wetsuit

A wetsuit is an investment for any water sports enthusiast, and like any investment, it needs to be taken care of. But how do you ensure your wetsuit lasts for many seasons to come?

Firstly, clean your wetsuit after each use. Rinse it with fresh water to remove any salt, sand, or other debris. Avoid using hot water or strong detergents as they can damage the material.

When it comes to storing your wetsuit, hang it up in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause the material to degrade and lose its elasticity. And remember, never fold or crumple your wetsuit as it can create permanent creases.

Lastly, if your wetsuit gets a tear or rip, don’t panic! There are many wetsuit repair kits available that can help you fix small damages. However, for larger damages, it’s best to seek professional help.

The Importance of Correctly Wearing a Wetsuit

So, why is it so crucial to wear your wetsuit correctly? Isn’t it just about getting it on and jumping in the water? Well, not exactly. Donning your wetsuit correctly is much more than a simple task; it’s pivotal for your safety and comfort in the water.

Firstly, a poorly fitted or incorrectly worn wetsuit can restrict your movement in the water, making it challenging to swim or perform other water sports. This can be incredibly dangerous, especially in choppy waters or if you’re out at sea. Secondly, wetsuits work by trapping a thin layer of water between your body and the suit, which your body heat then warms up. If your wetsuit is too loose, too much water will flow in and out, preventing this layer of warm water from forming. On the other hand, a wetsuit that’s too tight could be uncomfortable and restrict your breathing. So, it’s not just about getting it on – it’s about getting it on right!


By now, you should have a clear idea of how to put on a wetsuit, the common mistakes to avoid, and the importance of wearing it correctly. Remember, it’s not just about looking good in your gear – it’s about your comfort, performance, and most importantly, your safety.

So, next time you’re preparing for a dive, a surf, or any other watersport, keep these tips in mind. Make sure your wetsuit is in good condition, you’re putting it on correctly, and it fits you well. And don’t forget to take care of it afterward!

Are you ready to make the most out of your next aquatic adventure?

Steps to Wear a Wetsuit Mistakes to Avoid Maintenance Tips
1. Inspect your wetsuit for any damages Avoid wearing jewelry or watches that can tear the wetsuit Clean your wetsuit with fresh water after every use
2. Hydrate and nourish your body Avoid using oils or lotions that can degrade the wetsuit material Never use a washing machine or dryer
3. Put on the wetsuit one leg at a time Don’t force the wetsuit on; it can cause seams to split Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight
4. Adjust for a comfortable fit Don’t wear a wetsuit that’s too tight or too loose Regularly check for any needed repairs